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"You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period" 

- Christopher Gardner(Will Smith), The Pursuit of Happyness

Bok's Bizzare Adventure

     Bok's Bizzare Adventure was an absolute video sensation that my group produced for our Spanish 3 class. The idea started as a joke; our group was laughing about making an anime parody. But somehow, we never stopped going along with it, and it resulted in one of our greatest feats. 

Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay

    The Their Eyes Were Watching God essay is a hallmark in my high school life where I started to take English more seriously. The essay is one of the first that I produced that reflect my goal to get better at reading literature and writing. It is also the very first essay that I got an A on. 

Perfecting Pastel

     Perfecting Pastel is a poetry anthology that I created in the sophomore year of high school, and is considered as one my very greatest works. After the completion of the anthology, I vividly remember walking into class looking at all the other anthologies out there; there wasn't a single anthology in that room that looked better than mine. The idea for this work started out with a "stupid idea" that sort of formed in my head. I wanted to create something that was visually pleasing, calming, and was easy for readers to consume. And from there, I didn't stop chasing that idea. I spent countless hours finding and refining the art as well as writing the pieces. I am still happy that I made this piece even to this day. All I can say is that it represents what hard work and dedication can get you through in life. 

The Theory of Evolution 

     The Theory of Evolution essay was the final assessment of my Biology class in my Junior year. The evidence and reasoning I gathered for this essay took over the entire school year. It took numerous books, lessons, and outside trips(one was at the Stanford University!) to get enough evidence for this essay.

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